About us
Debbie Connolly has over 30 years experience of pets in boarding, training, behaviour, strays, rescue and consulting. She appeared as a Dog Training expert in the TV series "Dog Borstal" and "Britain's Most Embarrassing Pets" and has many published articles, radio and TV appearances.
Debbie founded SafePets in 1995 and is also the Training & Behaviour Adviser to the Pet Education Trust and Bengal Cat Helpline.
Debbie Connolly acts as an expert witness in Magistrates' and Crown courts for Dangerous Dogs Act cases. She created DogLine to offer accredited CPD courses for dog professionals.
For training, CPD and dog bite enquiries, call us 0208 1445799
email us: training@safepets.co.uk

​Pet Professional Guild
Debbie Connolly is a Full Member of the Pet Professional Guild of Force Free Trainers. Using fair, positive reward based methods and no shock or prong products.
Debbie Connolly acts as a court Expert Witness for DDA cases. If you are involved in a bite incident, see our dedicated site for help.
Other organisations
Click on the logos to see DogLine CPD website.